June 26, an extraordinarily alarming ecumenical proposal was presented to the 218th General Assembly (GA) meeting for the Presbyterian Church. Dr. Fareed, the secretary general for the Islamic Society of North America, proposed a union of membership between Muslims and Christians. Read the
article from the PC website for further inquiry. Here is why you should be concerned: the proposition was agreed upon by the GA by a slight majority of the delegates. This does not mean that the proposal will go into affect immediately, as it has to pass further delegations before being accepted into the Presbyterian confessional agreement. Their decision must either have been based upon being allotted a limited time for debate and lacking clarity or it was a result of radical, progressive Christianity. What we must make known to this sect of Christians, among everyone, is that no one may enter the body of Christ except through Christ. When Muslims misunderstand Jesus to be a mere prophet, a perversion of one of the most basic and fundamental truths of Christianity, a Muslim's union in the body of Christ is not a both/and relationship. Either you have faith or you do not. For example, even the "carnal christian" is a common, and unfortunate, occurrence in the present day evangelical Christian community. And yet, however disillusioned the carnal christian may be, this group still proclaims to acknowledge Christ in their lives, though not fully. A carnal christian ought therefore not be allowed to gain membership as long as Christ is not the head of their lives. However, I would agree that they should be allowed sustained membership, though not be in any position of leadership. For we know that our lives are based upon constant struggles against sin but if you deny Christ you deny the unity of the Trinity. Those who deny Christ are of the "natural" category. This can be seen from the picture above, just read
1st Corinthians 2-4, it's all there. I hope that every Muslim knows he or she is more than welcomed into the Christian community as a visiting member, but one should not be allowed to obtain membership until he or she repents and places their faith in Christ Jesus. For no one may worship other Gods, that is idolatry.